Source code for orcoursetrion.actions.github

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Github based actions for orchestrion to take. i.e. "Create a studio
course export repo", "Add course team to github", etc
from orcoursetrion import config
from orcoursetrion.lib import GitHub

[docs]def create_export_repo(course, term, description=None): """Creates a course repo at :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_API_URL` with key :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN`, at organization :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_STUDIO_ORG`, and with collabarator :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_STUDIO_DEPLOY_TEAM` Args: course (str): Course name to be used to name repo (i.e. 6.004r) term (str): Term the course is expected to run (i.e. 2015_Spring) description (str): Optional description for repo to show up on github Returns: dict: Github dictionary of a repo ( """ github = GitHub(config.ORC_GH_API_URL, config.ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN) repo_name = '{prefix}-{course}-{term}'.format( prefix=config.ORC_COURSE_PREFIX, course=course.replace('.', ''), term=term ) repo = github.create_repo(config.ORC_STUDIO_ORG, repo_name, description) # Add repo to team github.add_team_repo( config.ORC_STUDIO_ORG, repo_name, config.ORC_STUDIO_DEPLOY_TEAM ) return repo
[docs]def create_xml_repo(course, term, team, description=None): """Creates a course repo at :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_API_URL` with key :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN` and at organization :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_XML_ORG`, and with ``team`` as a collaborator (Along with :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_XML_DEPLOY_TEAM`). This also adds a github Web hook to the course development environment `gitreload <>`_ server via :py:const:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_STAGING_GITRELOAD`. Args: course (str): Course name to be used to name repo (i.e. 6.004r) term (str): Term the course is expected to run (i.e. 2015_Spring) team (str): Name of an organizational team that already exists to add read/write access to this repo. description (str): Optional description for repo to show up on github Returns: dict: Github dictionary of a repo ( """ github = GitHub(config.ORC_GH_API_URL, config.ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN) repo_name = '{prefix}-{course}-{term}'.format( prefix=config.ORC_COURSE_PREFIX, course=course.replace('.', ''), term=term ) repo = github.create_repo(config.ORC_XML_ORG, repo_name, description) github.add_team_repo(config.ORC_XML_ORG, repo_name, team) github.add_team_repo( config.ORC_XML_ORG, repo_name, config.ORC_XML_DEPLOY_TEAM ) github.add_web_hook( config.ORC_XML_ORG, repo_name, config.ORC_STAGING_GITRELOAD ) return repo