Orcoursetrion API Docs

For convenient reference in development, here are the Orcoursetrion API docs.


The actions that are available to use.

Action library access

orcoursetrion.actions.create_export_repo(course, term, description=None)

Creates a course repo at ORC_GH_API_URL with key ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN, at organization ORC_STUDIO_ORG, and with collabarator ORC_STUDIO_DEPLOY_TEAM

  • course (str) – Course name to be used to name repo (i.e. 6.004r)
  • term (str) – Term the course is expected to run (i.e. 2015_Spring)
  • description (str) – Optional description for repo to show up on github

Github dictionary of a repo (https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#create)

Return type:


orcoursetrion.actions.create_xml_repo(course, term, team, description=None)

Creates a course repo at ORC_GH_API_URL with key ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN and at organization ORC_XML_ORG, and with team as a collaborator (Along with ORC_XML_DEPLOY_TEAM).

This also adds a github Web hook to the course development environment gitreload server via ORC_STAGING_GITRELOAD.

  • course (str) – Course name to be used to name repo (i.e. 6.004r)
  • term (str) – Term the course is expected to run (i.e. 2015_Spring)
  • team (str) – Name of an organizational team that already exists to add read/write access to this repo.
  • description (str) – Optional description for repo to show up on github

Github dictionary of a repo (https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#create)

Return type:



API libraries.

Orchestrion library

class orcoursetrion.lib.GitHub(api_url, oauth2_token)

Bases: object

API class for handling calls to github

Initialize a requests session for use with this class by specifying the base API endpoint and key.

  • api_url (str) – Github API URL such as https://api.github.com/
  • oauth2_token (str) – Github OAUTH2 token for v3
add_team_repo(org, repo, team)

Add a repo to an existing team (by name) in the specified org.

We first look up the team to get its ID (https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#list-teams), and then add the repo to that team (https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/teams/#add-team-repo).

  • org (str) – Organization to create the repo in.
  • repo (str) – Name of the repo to create.
  • team (str) – Name of team to add.
add_web_hook(org, repo, url)

Adds an active hook to a github repository.

This utilizes https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/hooks/#create-a-hook to create a form type Web hook that responds to push events (basically all the defaults).

  • org (str) – Organization to create the repo in.
  • repo (str) – Name of the repo to create.
  • url (str) – URL of the hook to add

Github dictionary of a hook (https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/hooks/#response-2)

Return type:


create_repo(org, repo, description)

Creates a new github repository or raises exceptions

  • org (str) – Organization to create the repo in.
  • repo (str) – Name of the repo to create.
  • description (str) – Description of repo to use.

Github dictionary of a repo (https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#create)

Return type:


exception orcoursetrion.lib.GitHubException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Base exception class others inherit.

exception orcoursetrion.lib.GitHubRepoExists

Bases: orcoursetrion.lib.github.GitHubException

Repo exists, and thus cannot be created.

exception orcoursetrion.lib.GitHubUnknownError

Bases: orcoursetrion.lib.github.GitHubException

Unexpected status code exception

exception orcoursetrion.lib.GitHubNoTeamFound

Bases: orcoursetrion.lib.github.GitHubException

Name team not found in list


Configuration options

Configuration needed for Orchestrion to function (i.e. API keys)

config.ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN = GitHub OAUTH2 Token
config.ORC_GH_API_URL = GitHub API URL
config.ORC_COURSE_PREFIX = Prefix to use in repository name
config.ORC_STUDIO_ORG = Organization to use for Studio export repos
config.ORC_STUDIO_DEPLOY_TEAM = Deployment team for Studio Export repos
config.ORC_XML_ORG = Organization to use for XML/latex2edx courses
config.ORC_XML_DEPLOY_TEAM = Deployment team for XML/latex2edx courses
config.ORC_STAGING_GITRELOAD = `gitreload <https://github.com/mitodl/gitreload>`_ server URL (including username and password) for the course development LMS.