Command Line ============ There is an exposed command line interface that is available upon installation of the repository. It can be run with ``orcoursetrion``, and ``orcoursetrion --help`` will provide the most up to date help information. The command allows you to run commands that correspond to actions, currently the only supported action is ``create_export_repo``, and if your configuration is setup correctly (see :ref:`configuration`), and at least minimally have set :py:attr:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN` and you run ``orcoursetrion create_export_repo -t Spring_2030 -c DevOps.001 -d 'My awesome class repo'`` you should see it respond with the URL of the repo that it just created for you. Available Actions ================= :create_export_repo: This will create a new repository with the content deployment team from :py:attr:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_STUDIO_DEPLOY_TEAM` added to the repository. :create_xml_repo: This will create a new repository with the :py:attr:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_XML_DEPLOY_TEAM` and a command line specified team added to repository. It will also set up a git hook to the URL specified with :py:attr:`~orcoursetrion.config.ORC_STAGING_GITRELOAD`.