Orcoursetrion API Docs ---------------------- For convenient reference in development, here are the Orcoursetrion API docs. Actions ======= The actions that are available to use. .. automodule:: orcoursetrion.actions :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :imported-members: Library ======= API libraries. .. automodule:: orcoursetrion.lib :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :imported-members: .. _configuration: Configuration ============= Configuration options .. automodule:: orcoursetrion.config .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_OAUTH2_TOKEN :annotation: = GitHub OAUTH2 Token .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_API_URL :annotation: = GitHub API URL .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_NAME :annotation: = Git committer name to use. .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_GH_EMAIL :annotation: = Git committer e-mail to use .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_COURSE_PREFIX :annotation: = Prefix to use in repository name .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_STUDIO_ORG :annotation: = Organization to use for Studio export repos .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_STUDIO_DEPLOY_TEAM :annotation: = Deployment team for Studio Export repos .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_XML_ORG :annotation: = Organization to use for XML/latex2edx courses .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_XML_DEPLOY_TEAM :annotation: = Deployment team for XML/latex2edx courses .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_STAGING_GITRELOAD :annotation: = `gitreload `_ server URL (including username and password) for the course development LMS. .. autoattribute:: orcoursetrion.config.ORC_PRODUCTION_GITRELOAD :annotation: = `gitreload `_ server URL (including username and password) for the course production LMS.